Wednesday, January 01, 2025

ChatGPT is a Library Index

I was thinking about how to understand the new artificial intelligence out there. They are a lot of fun, but they do have their limitations. A friend of mine asked me how they work, and though the common answer is, "We don't know!", I don't subscribe to that meme.

Large Language Models (LLM's), like ChatGPT-4 ("Chat" for short), are built on huge databases. I like to consider the current versions to be built on everything we've got written down, though that's not true, since it's more like everything ever "published for which there is a digital version". In any case, it's a lot. It's enough to make a remarkable conversationalist. But how does it work?

Think of Chat as an index. Chat is like a librarian, a very knowledgeable research librarian, who's read all the books in the library, and then some. As a resource, you can ask this librarian questions and the librarian will tell you what they know, as best they can. In this sense, Chat is more like a smart index, something that can get you close to where you want to go, based on the context of your question.

Who remembers looking for a book in the library by going to the index? I'd literally flip through index cards looking for books. Flip, flip, flip... I don't miss having to do THAT kind of research any more!

Chat is a very sophisticated index system. Where the old library cards might have one or two cross-indexed subjects, Chat has many more. When you ask a question, Chat searches based on what you ask, and finds the closest matches. While the old library index cards might have a few subjects listed for cross-reference, today's (yesterday's) LLM's are being built with indexes with 16 billion variables for cross-reference!

So, next time you ask Chat a question, imagine Chat sifting through all those books it has in its database, all of them indexed on some 16 billion variables. Chat just picks its answer from the ones that seem the match the best.

Maybe that's why I like Chat so much. They're a helpful librarian, an index, into a very large body of knowledge. And like a good librarian, they enjoy sharing what they know.