Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Google search suggestions...

"why do"             "why do"            "why do"  
(7/11/12)            (8/11/13)           (4/2/19)
cats purr            cats purr           dogs eat grass
people blush         we yawn             cats purr
we yawn              we dream            dogs lick us 
men cheat            dogs eat grass      we yawn
dogs lick            people blush       
cats knead
people yawn          men cheat          
dogs lick
we dream             people yawn        
people snore
dogs eat grass       dogs howl          
we dream
dogs howl            dogs eat poop      
dogs howl
I sweat so much      cats knead          cats meow

"why does"           "why does"          "why does"  
(7/11/12)            (8/11/13)           (4/2/19)
hair turn grey       hair turn grey      it hurt when i pee
ice float            my vagina smell     my stomach hurt
my eye twitch        ice float           my chest hurt
my dog eat grass     it rain             my back hurt
the earth spin       my lower back hurt  my head hurt
it rain              the world exist     my eye keep twitching
my life suck         my chest hurt      
my jaw hurt
my pee smell         my jaw hurt        
my lower back hurt
god allow suffering  salt melt ice      
my throat hurt
it always rain on me my stomach hurt    
my ear hurt

"why does my"        "why does my"       "why does my"
(7/11/12)            (8/11/13)           (8/11/13)
eye twitch           vagina smell        stomach hurt
dog eat grass        lower back hurt    
chest hurt
lower back hurt      chest hurt         
back hurt
life suck            jaw hurt           
head hurt
pee smell            stomach hurt       
eye keep twitching
internet keep      
  throat hurt         jaw hurt
back hurt            heart hurt         
lower back hurt
mom hate me          tongue hurt        
throat hurt
dog shake            cat lick me        
ear hurt
jaw hurt             knee hurt          
knee hurt

"why do I" 
          "why do I"          "why do I"
(7/11/12)            (8/11/13)           (4/2/19)    
sweat so much        sweat so much       feel dizzy
bruise easily        feel dizzy          crave salt
sleep so much        bruise easily       have a headache
feel so tired        sleep so much      
sweat so much
feel dizzy           hate myself         owe taxes
crave salt           burp so much        keep getting sick
hate myself          poop so much        snore
poop so much         fart so much        hear boss music
fart so much         feel so tired      
hate myself
sweat in my sleep    feel bloated        bruise so easily

Other phrases that may be interesting:"when can I" "where can I" "who can I"

Artificial Intelligence is Everywhere (and has been for some time)

What might be "intelligence"?

One way of thinking of intelligence is the capacity to imagine options and their potential outcomes, evaluating those outcomes to make a choice. This definition raises many other questions: On what basis are the potential outcomes compared? How do we imagine options? Since there are a very large number of options, how do we decide when to stop imagining options? Suffice it to say that, to make choices, we make assumptions about the likelihood of options to yield desired outcomes, so that our search algorithms do not imagine options outside fairly short time and distance horizons.

What might be "artificial intelligence"?

What we teach each other is a form of artificial intelligence. This intelligence, based on another person's experience, saves us from having to rely on our own experience, letting us learn from previous generations. How do we know what to pass on to the next generation? Trial and error, that has given consistent results, is the most useful information to pass on. This especially includes learned lessons about cause and effect that contribute to our survival. Towards this end, we have developed the "scientific method" and the requirement that experiments must be able to be replicated across time and space. The scientific method is an algorithm for building artificial intelligence.

Culture, too, is a form of artificial intelligence. Culture permits us to share historical perspectives with each other efficiently and securely. Culture is about trust systems, like language, social etiquette, mores, belief systems, etc. Trust is critical to learning. If I don't trust what someone tells me, then I will expend energy testing and learning on my own. If I trust someone else's perspective, then I will more easily accept their perspective.

Why is artificial intelligence important?

As an individual, my view of the world is biased. First, because I have a specific existence in time and space. Second, because what I experience and remember as "reality" is biased towards (a) genetic (built-in) biases and (b) learned biases. The scientific method attempts to overcome the first and second biases by measuring and attempting to reduce the variability of the "experience", to make the variance dependent on the "experiment" and not the "experience". In other words, science is an attempt to make knowledge independent of any particular human being's experience of the world. This artificial intelligence is a more generalized and reliable explanation of reality, that exists in spite of an individual's specific experience of the world.